Holy Week at Old First

Holy Week at Old First

While we are not able to celebrate Holy Week in-person this year, we can still do so virtually. Below is a schedule for the services of Holy Week, as well as Zoom information so that you can participate at the indicated time. We shall see you there! Sunday, March 28, 11:00 AM ETPalm SundayCongregational reading of the Passion Join online: Click hereJoin by phone: Dial 929.205.6099Webinar […]

Virtual Service 3/28

Virtual Service 3/28

Join us for virtual service this Palm Sunday, March 28th, at 11 AM. Information to join is below: Service Bulletin Children’s Bulletin (1) Children’s Bulletin (2)

Virtual Service 3/21

Virtual Service 3/21

Join us for virtual service this Sunday, March 21st, at 11 AM. Please have ready a cloth, your candle, your bread, and your cup of wine or juice for communion.  Information to join is below: Service Bulletin Children’s Bulletin (1) Children’s Bulletin (2)

March 2021 Newsletter

March 2021 Newsletter

If you have questions or comments about anything here, please feel free to contact newsletter@oldfirstbrooklyn.org. Thank you and God bless you! Consistory Report: February meeting The Consistory is the governing body of Old First, composed of volunteer Elders and Deacons confirmed by the congregation. Consistory meets monthly to discuss the financial, physical, communal, and spiritual life of Old First Reformed Church, and shares updates on their work here. The Consistory has been […]

Virtual Service 3/14

Virtual Service 3/14

Join us for virtual service this Sunday, March 14th, at 11 AM. Please have ready a cloth, your candle, your bread, and your cup of wine or juice for communion.  Information to join is below: Service Bulletin Children’s Bulletin (1) Children’s Bulletin (2)

Virtual Service 3/7

Virtual Service 3/7

Join us for virtual service this Sunday, March 7th, at 11 AM. Please have ready a cloth, your candle, your bread, and your cup of wine or juice for communion.  Information to join is below: Service Bulletin Children’s Bulletin (1) Children’s Bulletin (2)

Virtual Service 2/28

Virtual Service 2/28

Join us for virtual service this Sunday, February 28th, at 11 AM. Please have ready a cloth, your candle, your bread, and your cup of wine or juice for communion.  Information to join is below: Service Bulletin Children’s Bulletin (1) Children’s Bulletin (2)

Learning to Pray: Mary Karr Interviews Father James Martin

Learning to Pray: Mary Karr Interviews Father James Martin

How does one pray? It may seem a silly question, but it’s one Father James Martin has received—and asked—many times throughout his thirty years as a spiritual leader. In Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone, Father Martin assures readers there is no wrong way to pray. He expands his chapter on communicating with God from his bestselling book The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything […]

Virtual Service 2/21

Virtual Service 2/21

Join us for virtual service this Sunday, February 21st, at 11 AM. Please have ready a cloth, your candle, your bread, and your cup of wine or juice for communion.  Information to join is below: Service Bulletin Children’s Bulletin (1) Children’s Bulletin (2)

Virtual Ash Wednesday Service 2/17

Virtual Ash Wednesday Service 2/17

Join us for a virtual Ash Wednesday Service of Prayer and Healing on February 17th, at 7 PM. Click on the Service link to log in to the evening service. Ashes will be available for pickup in front of the church throughout the day on Ash Wednesday. Service