Why I Volunteer: Phil Alexander

Why I Volunteer: Phil Alexander

I was asked to serve on the 2nd Mission Committee by Pastor Meeter. That committee, as you may know, is dedicated to creating adult education programs for the congregation and the community. Well, I don’t know if it was kismet or fate or the holy spirit, but I told Pastor Meeter, “You don’t know how perfect I am for this job,” because he didn’t know […]

Jeffrey Mandelbaum: A Countertenor’s Beginnings

Jeffrey Mandelbaum: A Countertenor’s Beginnings

“They said, ‘Do the scariest thing in the world for you.’ For me, it was singing in front of other people. But I think that experience propelled me.” That prophetic statement comes from our favorite countertenor, Jeff Mandelbaum, as he recalls his early days at a Wesleyan summer program at The Center for Creative Youth. Yep, he faced his fear and the rest is history. […]

It’s A Big World, Baby: Read All About It In Jenny Burrill’s New Book

It’s A Big World, Baby: Read All About It In Jenny Burrill’s New Book

Old First Vice President (and resident yoga instructor) Jenny Burrill has written Baby’s Big World: Yoga, for the popular Barnes & Noble children’s book series. The books in this collection — which include subjects like music, chemistry, and even the U.S. government! — are meant to be read to babies (however, don’t let that stop you if you are in a more advanced stage of life). […]

Moving and Shaking: Short Road Trip for the Pews During Restoration

Moving and Shaking: Short Road Trip for the Pews During Restoration

It was quite the schlep, but well worth it. A gang of strong people (in faith as well as muscles) helped move the pews out of the way for the workers who were clearing the sanctuary of asbestos (as you can see, we’re doing asbestos we can). The removal process took just two weeks, thanks to the hard work of the staff at Degmor Environmental […]

Holy Week 2017: Schedule of Services

Holy Week 2017: Schedule of Services

April 9: 11:00 am, Palm Sunday Festival and St. Matthew’s Passion We bless the palm branches and celebrate the Triumphal Entry, and we follow that with our annual readers’ theater presentation of the whole Passion of Christ. April 13: 7:00 pm, Maundy Thursday – “A Passion” by Theatre Group Dzieci  Theatre Group Dzieci has refined their text from the earliest existing translations, relying heavily on the Aramaic Peshita, […]

Host Coffee Hour With No Fear – Here’s How

Host Coffee Hour With No Fear – Here’s How

  Those satisfying, right-on-time goodies served immediately after our church service are actually part of a ministry, supporting our missions of hospitality and fellowship. Heads up, though: don’t be intimidated by the creative, culinary awesomeness you may see at that coffee hour table. It’s not a Food Network competition, and you’re not being judged. An impressive table is what often stops people from considering hosting. […]

Kids@OldFirst Arts and Yoga Week happens April 10-14

Kids@OldFirst Arts and Yoga Week happens April 10-14

The Seed is the Word: Old First Arts and Yoga Week for Kids The Old First Summer Arts Week was founded in 2004 with generous grants from the Reformed Church Regional Synod and Brooklyn Classis by dancer Jenny Burrill and artist Celilia Whittaker-Doe. Continuing support has enabled this uniquely inspired arts week to be offered (mostly) free of charge to the community at large. More recently a registration […]

Extended: Old First Pantry’s Shelf Life

Extended: Old First Pantry’s Shelf Life

On your way to church on Sunday, don’t forget to bring along some chow for our kitchen pantry. A deacon will kindly collect it from you and place it in our newly reopened cupboard. You can also see (and thank) Linda Larson, who graciously volunteered to coordinate this vital operation. The pantry is a quick source of food for the neighborhood’s homeless and hungry. Pastor Meeter […]

Bring On The Ashes! Despite High Winds, Ash Wednesday Gusts A Whirlwind Turnout

Bring On The Ashes! Despite High Winds, Ash Wednesday Gusts A Whirlwind Turnout

The forty days of Lent ends with Easter Sunday, but begins with Ash Wednesday, this year on March 1. Even though the March winds were intense, Pastor Daniel (seen here with elder Kate Jacobs) skillfully assured that ashes made direct contact with foreheads. This continues the church’s annual and very proactive tradition of offering ashes, prayers and blessings outside the church doors. Mission accomplished: a […]

Old First Welcomes Adelheid Duhm As She Prepares for Ministry

Old First Welcomes Adelheid Duhm As She Prepares for Ministry

Seminary intern Adelheid Duhm is spending four weeks in Brooklyn and at Old First as she participates in a practicum on her way to the ministry. She’s currently a student at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, and a candidate in the Badische Landeskirche there. She explains that her practicum is a voluntary internship, which supplements her initial experience, in Mannheim, Germany. There she participated […]