Virtual Service 5/31

Virtual Service 5/31

Join us for virtual service this Sunday, May 31st, at 11 AM. Please have ready your bowl with water, a cloth, your candle, your bread, and your cup of wine or juice for communion. Information to join is below: Service Bulletin Children’s bulletin (1) Children’s bulletin (2)

Virtual Service 5/24

Virtual Service 5/24

Join us for virtual service this Sunday, May 24th, at 11 AM. Please have ready your bowl with water, a cloth, your candle, your bread, and your cup of wine or juice for communion. Information to join is below: Service Bulletin Children’s bulletin (1) Children’s bulletin (2)

Virtual Service 5/17

Virtual Service 5/17

Join us for virtual service this Sunday, May 17th, at 11 AM. Please have ready your bowl with water, a cloth, your candle, your bread, and your cup of wine or juice for communion. Information to join is below: Service Bulletin Children’s bulletin (1) Children’s bulletin (2)

Virtual Service 5/10

Virtual Service 5/10

Join us for virtual service this Sunday, May 10th, at 11 AM. Grab pens, pencils, and crayons for the kids bulletin, which is included below. The instructions are in the weekly schedule section below the Sunday service link. Information to join is below: Service Bulletin Children’s Worship Bulletin

Virtual Service 4/19

Virtual Service 4/19

Join us for virtual service this Sunday, April 19th, at 11 AM. For this service, please have ready, standing by, a nice cloth (napkin or tea towel), a candle and something to light it with,  a small plate, and a small loaf of bread (or bun, or slice, or cracker), and a cup or wineglass, and wine (or grape juice, or fruit juice, or water). […]

Good Friday – St. John’s Bluegrass Passion

Good Friday – St. John’s Bluegrass Passion

This Friday, April 10th, at 7pm, join Old First for our annual Good Friday bluegrass service, led by Michael Daves and Jen Larson.  It will feature classic gospel music, as we read and reflect on the Passion story. The service will be done over Zoom.  If you would like to attend, the link to the service and bulletin are both below: Service Bulletin If you […]

Virtual Service 4/5 – Palm Sunday

Virtual Service 4/5 – Palm Sunday

Attention Friends, This Sunday, April 5th, at 11 AM Eastern Time, we will be having our Palm Sunday virtual service. Please have a houseplant or two ready and near you on Sunday morning for our Blessing of Houseplants (instead of Palms)! If you don’t have a houseplant, go get a couple small branches or some other greens from outside. Below is a link to the […]

Virtual Service 3/22

Virtual Service 3/22

Attention Friends, Although services in our Sanctuary have been temporarily suspended, we can still worship together.  As our sanctuary temporarily closes, we are transitioning our services to virtual, allowing you to take part in services from the comfort of your own home. Our first virtual service is this Sunday, March 22nd, at 11 AM Eastern time. Below is a link to the service and bulletin: […]

A Special Message from Old First

A Special Message from Old First

At the Old First Consistory meeting on Monday night, the Elders and Deacons made some very difficult decisions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Consistory voted to suspend public worship through May 17, In compliance with the CDC (unless new circumstances allow our resumption).   Tenants will no longer meet in the building, and the Human Resources Committee will work on supportive arrangements for staff who cannot […]

First Coronavirus Update

First Coronavirus Update

To all our congregants at Old First: It’s Thursday, and we are responding to and planning for Coronavirus developments hourly. We are tracking official government advisements and checking in with other faith communities. Maureen and Abraham have stepped up cleaning and sanitizing even more than usual. First, we want to affirm and support those of you who will be practicing social isolation by staying home […]